This darling little bagworm moth (whose juveniles and their debris-covered cases are scattered liberally across the sides of my house) is Acrolophus walsinghami. The dark “W” shape on the forewing is “distinctive”, but not definitive — the coloration of the moth is pretty variable, so we’d have to take these poor little things apart in order to 100% determine their species. However, for my given value of “recreational identification”, A. walsinghami is a pretty good guess.
These little guys also suffer from Wikipedia stub syndrome, so other than localizing them to Florida and much of Mexico, I can’t really say much. The caterpillars mature inside an open-ended cocoon decorated with plant debris, which usually are concealed on the trunks of trees, but have a disconcerting tendency to also cover the sides of my house. The adult moths are about 8mm long, nose to tail.
Not all of these individuals have been fed through the kind people of iNaturalist, but here’s a selection of the ones that have: 9/20/22 | 12/30/21 | 8/25/21 | 6/21/21