Treehopper (Ophiderma definita)
This dainty and well-camouflaged treehopper is Ophiderma definita, about 5mm long and suffering, alas, from Wikipedia Stub Syndrome. They “can be found between March and June in the Central and Eastern regions of the United States and Canada”, and…well, now you know exactly as much as I do about them.
In general they seem to follow the usual treehopper shape, with reddish-brown to dark brown coloration and yellow to white stripes over the top of the body in a fairly regular pattern. The wingtips and a band right through the middle of the otherwise clear wings are dark.
Even going up to the genus, Ophiderma, has another wiki stub. The family, Membracidae, gets a slightly longer article to cover 3,200 species in 400+ genera. Such an adorable little treehopper — do any graduate students need a study subject?
Treehopper (Ophiderma definita) Treehopper (Ophiderma definita)
I’m basing this identification off iNaturalist’s extremely lovely photo identification feature (which scans your photos when you upload and offers suggestions) and the note on the bugguide page about the dark wing band (seen in the top photo) being characteristic of this species.